Academic Identification among Adolescents with Latin American Backgrounds

  • Andrew J. Fuligni UCLA
  • Virginia W. Huynh UCLA
Keywords: Latinos, academic achievement, academic identification, academic disidentification, adolescence


Disidentification with academics is sometimes cited as a factor in the underperformance of ethnic minority students, and the current study examined whether this would be evident among adolescents from Latin American backgrounds. The associations of adolescents’ grade point average (GPA) and academic self-concept with their global self-esteem were examined in a longitudinal sample of 552 adolescents from Latin American, Asian, and European backgrounds. Correlational and longitudinal within-person analyses indicated that adolescents from Latin American backgrounds demonstrated levels of academic identification similar to their more highly achieving peers from other backgrounds. These findings contribute to the emerging body of evidence suggesting a strong level of motivation among students from Latin American backgrounds despite the significant challenges to their academic success.


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