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Saini, Shiv, Cornerstone Research
Salvanes, Kjell
Samari, Goleen
Sampson, Robert, Harvard University
Sanders, Seth
Santow, Gigi
Sastry, Narayan
Schaeffer, Nora Cate
Schetter, Christine Dunkel, UCLA Department of Psychology
Schilke, Oliver, UCLA
Schmidt, Marcia, Cincinnati Center for Nutritional Research and Analysis at Children's Hospital Research Foundation of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio
Schneebaum, Alyssa
Schoeni, Robert
Scholz, John Karl
Schreiber, George B., Westat, Inc
Schuster, Mark A.
Schwartz, Christine
Schwartz, Joseph, State University of New York
Sears, R. Bradley
Seeman, Teresa
Seltzer, Judith
Shah, Manisha
Shandra, John M.
Shannguan, Muyun, UCLA School of Public Health, University of California at Los Angeles
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