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Habicht, Jean-Pierre
Hahn-Holbrook, Jennifer, Chapman University Department of Psychology
Haider, Steven J
Hakimi, Mohammed, University of Gadjah Mada
Halle, David, UCLA
Hamoudi, Amar
Hamplova, Dana
Handcock, Mark
Handcock, Mark S., UCLA Department of Statistics
Hanley, Eric
Hanlon, W. Walker
Hao, Lingxin
Hardie, Jessica Halliday, Hunter College CUNY Department of Sociology
Harrison, Gail, Department of Community Health Sciences, UCLA School of Public Health and UCLA Center for Health Policy Research
Harrison, Gail G.
Hauser, Robert M., University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Sociology
Hazan, Moshe, Hebrew University and CEPR
Hearey, Owen
Heblich, Stephan
Helleringer, Stéphane
Helpern-Manners, Andrew
Hernandez-Leon, Ruben
Heuveline, Patrick, UCLA
Heuveline, Patrick, UCLA CCPR
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